About me

Bruno Gransche Keynote-Speaker Fraport AI Day Frankfurt a.M. 2024

Bruno Gransche

Philosopher & Futures Studies Scholar & Philosopher-Entrepreneur

Research focus

Practical philosophy, ethics, applied ethics, philosophy of technology, phenomenology, hermeneutics, narratology, contemporary philosophy, 20th century philosophy, anticipation science

Current lines of work

Philosophy of new human-technology relations, social and ethical aspects of digitalization, images of technology/images of people/metaphor analysis, technical assistance systems, social appropriateness/polite technology, cultural techniques, foresight/future research, socio-technical change, forward-looking thinking, philosophy of time, technology/vision assessments, integrated research (post-ELSI)

Curriculum vitae

2020 - today

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT

Institute for Technology Futures ITZ

Department of Philosophy

Associate Professor / Project Manager / Principal Investigator

2009 - 2016

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI

Competence Center Foresight

Futures and Society

Project Manager / Principal Investigator

2010 - 2013

Doctorate in Philosophy

to Dr. phil.

at the University of Heidelberg

with Forward thinking

2014 - today

Teaching in Philosophy and Futures Studies at various universities and colleges

2022 - 2023

Habilitation in Philosophy

at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT

Philosophy of technology and ethics of technology

2017 - 2021

University of Siegen

Research College of the University of Siegen 'Shaping the future humanely' FoKoS

PostDoc Junior Research Group Leader / Principal Investigator

2003 - 2009

Heidelberg University and

University of Bologna (Italy)

Study of philosophy and Romanesque

Literary Studies

**2021 Offer for professorship 'Ethics of Digitality' at HSD Düsseldorf received & rejected

*2016 Offer of a visiting professorship in 'Philosophy of Technology' at BTU Cottbus Senftenberg received & rejected

Affiliations & Roles

  • Since 2022 | Member of the Sociopolitical Advisory Board of the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
  • Since 2018 | Founding member of the Network and Clusters Integrated Research (BMBF)
  • Since 2018 | Reviewer for research funding of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), focus: Philosophy/Ethics, Integrated Research
  • Since 2023 | Founding member of the Special Interest Group (SIG) Language and Technology of the Society for Philosophy and Technology SPT
  • Since 2018 | Co-editor of the series Techno:Phil - Current Challenges in the Philosophy of Technology (Metzler)
  • 2021 | Scientific consultant (for “Trust in AI”) of the Council for Digital Ethics of the Hessian Ministry for Digital Strategy and Development
  • 2019 | Scientific consultant for the Data Ethics Commission of the Federal Government on the topic of ethical challenges of language assistants
  • Since 2017 | Founding member of the international Research Group Ricoeur & Technology. Philosophy, Ethics, Metaphor and Narrative
  • 2017 – 2018 | Member of the Directorate of the Institute for Advanced Studies FoKoS, University of Siegen
  • Since 2017 | Fellow at the Fraunhofer Institute for System and Innovation Research ISI, Karlsruhe, Department Foresight
  • 2015 – 2019 | Member of the Ethics Working Group of the research project ABIDA Assessing Big Data (BMBF)
  • 2017 | Member in the Program Committee of the SPT 2017 Conference
  • 2016 | Scientific consultant for the Office for Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB) for “Human-machine boundary shifts: between Artificial Intelligence and Human Enhancement”
  • 2016-2018 | Member of the Scientific Advisory Board “Technical Support Systems, that people really want” at the Helmut Schmidt University, Institute for Design and Manufacturing Technology, Laboratory Manufacturing Technology, Junior Research Group smartASSIST
  • 2015-2020 | Member of the BMBF Think Tank “Future Funding Priorities Human-Technology Interaction”
  • 2014-2018 | Reviewer for research funding for the BMBF with a focus on ethical implications (ELSI) in the field of “Human-Technology Cooperation”
  • Reviewer for international journals and publishers:
  • Philosophy & Technology,
  • Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology,
  • European Journal of Futures Research,
  • Journal of Futures Studies,
  • AI & SOCIETY: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication,
  • Routledge/Taylor & Francis
  • Memberships:
  • The Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT),
  • The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST),
  • Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP),
  • The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB),
  • German Society for Philosophy (DGPhil),
  • Network Technology Assessment (NTA),
  • Society for Science and Technology Research (GWTF),
  • Giordano Bruno Foundation (GBS),
  • Fraunhofer Society (FhG)

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